Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Text File
436 lines
I am enclosing my registration for one copy of DISKALOG.
I understand that this registration fee entitles me to use
DISKALOG, and that I will be sent the latest version.
(Please print the following info. clearly!)
Name __________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
City ______________________ State _______ Zip Code ____________
Indicate disk format desired: ____ 5.25" 360K ____ 3.5" 720K
DISKALOG single user registration: $13.00 $_______ **
Virginia residents must add Va. sales tax: $_______
Addresses outside of U.S. add $4.00 shipping: $ 4.00 $_______
Total enclosed payable in U.S. dollars: $_______ ***
Make funds payable to:
Philip Kapusta P.O. Box 5423 Falmouth, VA 22403-5423 USA
Do you have any suggestions to improve DISKALOG? Let us know:
Please let us know where you obtained your copy of DISKALOG:
** Companies and organizations must contact author for site
license pricing.
*** Canadian ($19) or British (£12) cash is acceptable (wrap
well and consider mailing via registered mail).
DISKALOG is a utility that allows the user to add
descriptions and comments (up to 300 characters in length) to
each file name (including directories) on a disk.
For instance, in DOS, the "DIR" command will result
in the following directory listing:
Volume in drive B is EXAMPLES
Directory of B:\
BROWN_R EST 1725 5-23-86 2:30p
COMMAND COM 23612 3-21-86 12:03p
TELCOM COM 1523 12-23-86 11:34p
CHECKIT EXE 9680 3-01-86 10:21p
PCSTRING $$$ 8234 4-11-86 12:00p
BCKUP EXE 23404 7-07-86 5:27p
6 file(s) 245323 bytes free
Not bad for DOS' DIR command. But if you don't have an
excellent memory, how do you keep track of what each file does?
Or what are the contents of each file? This is where DISKALOG
can help.
For instance, the above directory listing after being
DISKALOGed can become this:
FILES: 6 FREE: 245,323 USED: 68,178 TOTAL: 362,496
DISK #: UTIL01 DISK NOTES: Misc. utility programs
BCKUP .EXE 23404 07-07-86 17:27 ..RA Backs up one or more files
BROWN_R .EST 1725 05-23-86 14:30 H.RA Cost estimate quoted to Richard Brown
CHECKIT .EXE 9680 03-01-86 10:21 ..R. Scans the disk and checks for errors
COMMAND .COM 23612 03-21-86 12:03 ..RA Starts the DOS command processor
PCSTRING.$$$ 8234 04-11-86 12:00 H.R. Spill file created during error
TELCOM .COM 1523 12-23-86 11:34 .... Telecommunications file transfer
User added notes
DISKALOG will run on IBM PC's (and true compatibles)
using DOS 3.0 and above and a minimum 128K RAM. The maximum
number of files displayed is 1200.
To begin:
At the DOS prompt, type ---> DLOG then <ENTER>
The above command will load DISKALOG and will instruct
the program to read the default drive. If the user wishes to
load DISKALOG but read a directory other than the one on the
default drive, then add the pathname after "DLOG". Here are
some examples of proper format:
After loading, DISKALOG will present the user with a
file directory listing (somewhat similar to DOS' DIR listing
display). At this point you can begin adding any file
comments and notes by pressing the <ENTER> key. A pop-up
window will then appear in which you can add your comment
Cursor movement:
You can select the file you wish to add comment notes
to by using the cursor control keys. For example:
DOWN ARROW: Moves the highlighted bar down to the next file.
UP ARROW: Moves the highlighted bar up one position. If at the
top of the first page, the cursor moves into the "DISK NOTES:"
field, where the user can add a general comment concerning the
files on that particular disk/directory.
PAGE UP: Moves the bar up to the top of the page. If the bar
was already at the top of the page, then <PG UP> will display
the previous page (if one exists).
PAGE DOWN: Moves the bar down to the bottom of the page. If
the bar was already at the bottom of the page, then <PG DN>
will display the next page (if one exists).
HOME: Will move the marker bar to the very first file.
END: Will move the marker bar to the last file.
Entering descriptions, comments, notes:
As previously stated, to add a description to any file
simply press the <ENTER> key. The pop-up comment note editor
works much like a text editor.
While in the comment note editor the <LEFT ARROW>,
<RIGHT ARROW>, <DEL>, <INS>, <BACKSPACE> keys will be available
for editing your work. <CTRL-END> will erase/clear all
characters from the cursor position to the end of the
line. <CTRL-LEFT ARROW> and <CTRL-RIGHT ARROW> will move the
cursor to the next word (left and right respectively). When
you are finished entering your comment notes, press the <ESC>
Although the user can enter a file comment up to 350
characters in length within the comment note editor, only a
certain number of characters can be displayed when you return
back to the file display list. The number of characters that
will be displayed can be expanded by using the <SHIFT> +
<TAB> keys (hold down the <SHIFT> key, and at the same time
press <TAB>). This key combination will toggle the screen
mode display.
<ALT> keys:
If you wish to leave DISKALOG temporarily, press <ALT-S>
for a temporary shell to DOS. <ALT-S> will permit the user to
shell out to DOS (if the COMMAND.COM file is on the default disk,
or COMSPEC is set to indicate COMMAND.COM's location). To return
to DISKALOG, enter "EXIT" at the DOS prompt.
Several other useful <ALT> key functions are also available:
<Alt-2> - Duplicates/copies the highlighted file to a new file.
<ALT-A> - Allows the user to change the attributes of a file.
<ALT-B> - Will run the utility program "BROWSE"* with the high-
lighted file.
<ALT-C> - Will move up/down the directory tree to the highlighted
directory. The user can move UP the directory tree by using
<ALT-C> while the highlighted bar is over ".." directory listing.
<ALT-D> - Will delete the highlighted file or directory.
<ALT-G> - Quick glance of contents of highlighted file.
<ALT-L> - Will run the utility program "LIST"* with the high-
lighted file.
<ALT-M> - Will prompt for a new subdirectory name and then make/
create it.
<ALT-O> - Will enable the file display list to be sorted
according to the user's preference. The display list can be
sorted by 1) file name, 2) file name extension, 3) file size,
or 4) file date.
<ALT-R> - Will prompt for a new file name to rename the existing
<ALT-T> - Will perform a DOS "TYPE | MORE" command with the high-
lighted file. This is only useful if the file to view is a text
file, and DOS' MORE command is accessible.
<ALT-U> - If you would like to use the currently highlighted
file in conjunction with a special set of DOS commands, or with
a favorite utility, use this feature to define up to 9
different user commands. The user commands that you enter will
be assigned to function keys F2 to F10. Use the variable %F to
represent the currently highlighted file or directory name.
For instance:
If the user commands have been entered and saved (stored in a
DLOG.USR file), then subsequently when F3 is pressed, the
currently highlighted file is copied to drive A:. Again,
remember to enter the variable %F to represent the current file
name. This variable will be swapped with the actual file name
when the user selects the corresponding F2 - F10 function key.
You do not have to enter all 10 user commands at once. You can
enter 1 or you may enter 5. Use these user commands as you
need them.
<ALT-X> - Will run the .EXE, .COM, .BAT file that is currently
highlighted. Parameters can be passed by two methods: 1) manual
entry - after the <ALT-X> key combination, type in the parameters
on the request line at the prompt, or 2) automatic - any cha-
racters that are found within { } brackets in the file descrip-
tion line will be transferred to the parameter line automatically
after the <ALT-X> key combination. An example of the "automatic"
parameter passing follows:
UNZIP .COM 25634 05/14/88 14:30 ...A Restore archived files {-A}
WP .EXE 231321 12/21/89 12:00 ..RA Word Perfect word processing {/M ALTI}
If the <ALT-X> entry is input while the highlighted bar
is over WP.EXE above, then at the parameter line "/M ALTI" will
appear automatically, because it was included in the file descrip-
tion enclosed in { } brackets.
<ALT-Z> - Depending on the file extension, this will run either
PKUNZIP or LHARC on the highlighted file (.ZIP/.LZH only).
After decompression, DISKALOG will re-read the drive/directory
and update the file list. PKUNZIP and LHARC must be accessible
to DISKALOG for this function to work. .ZIP files can be
viewed prior to decompression.
* These programs are available from most shareware/public domain
distributors and are not a part of the DISKALOG package.
Main Menu:
Access to the Main Menu is available by pressing <ESC>.
Choose one of the five menu options:
E - Export all directory/file notes to a dBase III .DBF file
N - New file (exit the current DISK.LOG file on the screen and
begin a new one)
P - Print file (print the current DISK.LOG file)
Q - Quit (terminate DISKALOG and return to DOS)
R - Return (return to previous screen)
S - Save file (save the current DISK.LOG file)
IMPORTANT NOTE: The entries/descriptions that the user adds will
NOT be saved unless the user selects "S" from the Main Menu line.
DISKALOG does NOT automatically save your work, although it will
remind you if you have made any changes without saving your work!
Remember, the user must initiate a "S"ave!
Printer options:
If your printer is capable of printing in a condensed
mode (15 or more characters per inch) you might be interested in
creating a .PTR file. Or if you are using a printer port besides
"LPT1:" creating a .PTR file will be necessary in order to perform
printer operations.
Before DISKALOG performs its first print job it looks on
the default drive/directory for a file named "DLOG.PTR". If
"DLOG.PTR" exists, then DISKALOG will load it and use its data to
perform subsequent print jobs. "DLOG.PTR" can be created in a
number of ways. Any line editor will work (see your DOS disk for
EDLIN) or see examples of COPY CON DLOG.PTR below.
Although one can externally set many printers for a
condensed character pitch, there is a benefit in creating a
"DLOG.PTR" file. Besides not having to remember to set your
printer pitch each time, if a "DLOG.PTR" file exists DISKALOG will
create a printout in a handy 5" by 5" (approx.) format with (cut
along dashed line) borders. This printout format is only avail-
able IF a "DLOG.PTR" file exists and the proper printer parameter
codes have been entered into it!
DISKALOG, if it finds a "DLOG.PTR" file, expects it to be
in the following sequential format...
Printer port
Escape code number
Escape code number
" " "
" " "
Escape code number
EOF marker
The easiest way to create such a "DLOG.PTR" file is the
following. At the DOS prompt, type the following...
LPT1: <press ENTER>
15 <press ENTER>
<press F6 key>
<press ENTER>
Valid printer ports are LPT1: LPT2: (don't forget the
colon). It will be necessary when entering printer escape codes
to have your printer manual at hand. Enter only the ASCII value
after the escape code Chr$(27) or ESC. For instance, according
to the owner's manual, a Hewlett Packard Deskjet/Plus/500 printer
must receive the following escape code to print in condensed type:
In order to create the correct "DLOG.PTR" file for the
HP Deskjet you must enter each character following the ESC with
its corresponding ASCII value.
ESC ( s 1 6 . 6 7 H
COPY CON DLOG.PTR <press ENTER> | | | | | | | |
LPT1: <press ENTER> | | | | | | | |
40 <press ENTER> ---/ | | | | | | |
115 <press ENTER> ------/ | | | | | |
49 <press ENTER> ---------/ | | | | |
54 <press ENTER> ------------/ | | | |
46 <press ENTER> ---------------/ | | |
54 <press ENTER> ------------------/ | |
55 <press ENTER> ---------------------/ |
72 <press ENTER> ------------------------/
<press F6 key>
<press ENTER>
Here's another example. If your printer manual says
that ESC Chr$(15) must be sent to the printer to enable
condensed print, then the appropriate "DLOG.PTR" file would be
created thusly...
LPT1: <press ENTER>
15 <press ENTER>
<press F6>
<press ENTER>
If registered users have problems creating a "DLOG.PTR"
file, contact the program author with a large SELF-ADDRESSED
U.S. STAMPED ENVELOPE and a copy of your printer manual's
printer codes.
Exporting to .DBF
DISKALOG can create (and append) a dBase III format
file (.DBF) by selecting " Export " from the Main Menu. The
user will be prompted to enter a file name (user should add the
.DBF extension for compatibility). The default export filename
is DISKALOG.DBF. This file can be placed anywhere by modifying
the filename with a pathname. The export that DISKALOG will
perform involves exporting the following data from a
DISK.LOG file for each file/directory listing THAT HAS A FILE
DISK_ID: 7 characters that correspond to DISK #:
FILENAME: 12 characters
PATH: 24 characters (corresponds to directory/path
where FILENAME is located
NOTES: 67 characters - user added notes
If the export is performed with a new .DBF file, then
the .DBF file will be created by DISKALOG. Subsequent exports
to the same file will cause DISKALOG to append to the end of
the existing .DBF file. You must have given your DISK.LOG file
listing a DISK #: prior to exporting. You will not be
permitted to create/append a .DBF file if no DISK #: has been
entered. The DISK #: can be entered at the top left of the
screen. Press <CTRL> + <HOME>, then press <UP ARROW>, then
enter a DISK #:. The DISK #: can be any unique number or name
(example: MONEY01, APR_92, etc.). Make sure you save your work
to disk!
Caution: DISKALOG does not check for duplicate exports to the
same .DBF file. If you export the DISK.LOG data from one
floppy more than once, you will find the resulting .DBF file
will probably have many duplicate records. This is your
responsiblity. If you want to perform updated exports, then
you should first search and mark/delete your .DBF file, pack it
by removing the marked/deleted records, and then use DISKALOG
to export and update the .DBF file. Any popular xBase product
will do the record maintenance for you (Alpha4, FoxPro, dBase
III, etc.). DISKALOG was not written to search, purge, or
maintain a .DBF file. DISKALOG simply provides the user the
ability to export data to a .DBF file. The rest is up to the